Energy Efficiency

Using energy conscientiously and sustainably

Energy efficiency means reducing the wasteful use of such a precious resource, a theme that is currently at the center of global discussions. With simple attitudes, it is possible to optimize the electric energy consumption of several electrical equipment and ensure its purpose is preserved.

What is energy efficiency?

Electric power is present in virtually everything we do nowadays – switching our home lights on, cooking, and using our cellphones, or any other home appliances.

Electricity makes our lives simple, but it requires that we reduce the environmental and economic impacts arising from its use.

One of the best ways to reduce said impacts is by not wasting energy.

This is why energy efficiency is an important activity, as it identifies opportunities to optimize energy consumption, thereby reducing the waste of natural resources and expenses with electricity bills.

What is energy efficiency?

Tips on how to use electricity more efficiently in your daily routine

Replace fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs with LED light bulbs

LED light bulbs consume up to 85% less energy to produce the same amount of light.

Unplug electronic devices when not using them

Even on standby mode, TV sets and microwaves consume a small amount of energy.

Take shorter showers

– Shorter showers reduce energy consumption by up to 35%, in addition to saving water.
– Your shower thermostat should be on summer mode most of the time. More modern showers are equipped with more temperature modes, which helps reduce energy consumption.

Try not to open your fridge door all the time and check the fridge door gasket

The fridge door gasket seals the space between the fridge’s internal and external environment. When the gasket is old or damaged, the outside hot air coming in forces the fridge engine to use more electric power to cool.

Set your air conditioner to the correct temperature

– Set your air conditioner to a mild temperature like 23 degrees Celsius, so it will consume less energy and your environment will be pleasant.
– Alternatively, you can prioritize natural ventilation or use a fan, which consumes less energy compared to air conditioners.

Use your iron and washing machine more efficiently

When washing, put a large amount of clothes in the washing machine, respecting the manufacturer’s recommendations, saving washing cycles. And pile up as many pieces of clothing as possible to iron in one go.

What we are doing

Our Energy Efficiency initiatives

We invest over R$53 million in energy efficiency every year to modernize equipment in various economic sectors and to encourage consumers to change their energy consumption habits.

Our initiatives seek solutions that use fewer natural resources while maintaining quality.

Constantly present in low-income communities, public schools and institutions, as well as philanthropic and health institutions, we foster sustainable energy education for the entire society, from childhood.

Cemig’s energy efficiency initiatives include:

Assessing and replacing obsolete equipment with more modern and economical ones;
Replacing high-consumption light bulbs with efficient LED light bulbs;
Instructing the population in electrical grid safety and economy practices.

Cemig’s Energy Efficiency Program work fronts include: