Our energy matrix is totally clean. We use water, wind and solar sources to meet the energy demand from our more than 8 million consumers.

The preservation of the environment is essential for our business, the people and the planet.

Rational use of water
- a world leader in water management (CDP Water Security);
- return of 100% of the water used to activate the turbines

Adequate treatment of generated waste
- over 50 thousand tons of industrial waste sent for final disposal

Innovative reverse logistics solutions

Conscious consumption of energy
A challenge for all of us
We believe that climate change is one of humanity’s greatest challenges.
The whole world is watching these rapid changes in climate and temperature characteristics.
And the alert increases every time storms become heavier and droughts become more frequent.
The solution comes from
We know that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the most expected solution.
This reduction would consist of shifting from fossil fuels energy systems to renewable energy systems, such as solar and wind energy.
What we are doing
We are proud to be a 100% renewable matrix company. We are part of the change to a more
decarbonized world.
Therefore, in 2022, we decided to be Net Zero by 2040.
We have joined the “UN Global Compact’s Net Zero Ambition Program,” undertaking to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2040.
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We mostly operate in two Brazilian biomes: Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest. Our biodiversity preservation initiatives consist of projects that contribute to maintaining the variety of life and local species richness in said biomes.
We transform lives through our energy. For this reason, we are determined to offer an increasingly safe and diverse workplace environment.
Health and safety
We invest heavily in health and safety because we want our employees to be safe and
sound to go back home.
Diversity and inclusion
We also want a more inclusive society where everyone is respected. For this reason,
we work to eliminate bias and barriers from our policies and practices.
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Energy Efficiency
- We work to raise awareness about combating electricity waste and preserving natural
resources. We also bring energy efficiency projects to several sectors of society.
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Community relationship
We develop various actions in the communities where we operate, always based on collective responsibility and the encouragement of socioeconomic development locally.

Dam safety
As part of our culture of readiness to face the overflowing of the rivers where our plants are based, we adopt the Emergency Action Plans (EAPs), which describe risks of flooding and potential dam failure scenarios.
We invest in efficient and transparent management with initiatives that are adherent to the market, as we understand that Cemig’s results are of public interest.

Our work dedication has been recognized by key global sustainability indices.
Rating | Pontuação | Destaques | Nota máxima do índice |
MSCI - Powering better investment decisions - MSCI | AA (6,5) | AA (6,5) | Melhor nota (AAA) (10) |
Dow Jones Index World - S&P Global (spglobal.com) | 85 | Listed in this index since 1999 | 100 |
FTSE4 Good Index Series - FTSE4Good Index Series | FTSE Russell | 3,5 | Listed in this index for 20 years | 5 |
CDP Climate Change - Home - CDP | B | Rated as “A list” in 2020 | A |
CDP Water Security - Home - CDP | A (leadership) | Rated as “A list” for three consecutive years (2019, 2020 and 2021) | A |

In our reports, we share Cemig’s data, advances, learnings and challenges of environmental, social and governance topics.
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