Download CenterInvestor RelationsInvestor ServicesDownload CenterCemigCemig GTCemig D202520242023202220212020201920182017201612.31.2016ANNUAL & SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 201612.31.2016Earnings Release - 201612.31.2016Financial Statement 201612.31.2016Form 20-F 201612.31.2016Presentation of 2016 Results12.31.2016Presentation of 2016 Results12.31.2016Presentation of 2016 Results - Audio12.31.2016Presentation of 2016 Results - Audio12.31.2016Timetable for publication of 4Q 2016 Results12.28.2016Taesa: Purchase Agreement of shares held by FIP Coliseu12.23.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 574/2016-CVM/SEP/GEA-1, of December 22, 201612.23.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 575/2016-CVM/SEP/GEA-1, of December 22, 201612.22.2016Changes to the Executive Board12.22.2016Interim injunction given for Miranda Plant12.21.2016Extract from the minutes of the 682nd meeting of the Board of Directors12.21.2016Interest on Equity for 2016.12.21.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 567/2016-CVM/SEP/GEA-1, of December 20, 201612.21.2016Summary of decisions of the 681st Meeting of the Board of Directors12.21.2016Summary of decisions of the 682nd Meeting of the Board of Directors12.20.2016Extraordinary General Meeting - 2016/12/20: Convocation and Proposal12.20.2016Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders – December 20, 201612.15.2016Payments of dividends and Interest on Equity: December 2912.15.2016Summary of decisions of the 680th Meeting of the Board of Directors12.07.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 554/2016-CVM/SEP/GEA-1, of December 6, 201612.06.2016Summary of decisions of the 679th Meeting of the Board of Directors11.30.2016Increase In Stockholding Interest11.28.20162nd Annual Global ADR Conference - Jefferies and BNY Mellon11.28.20169th Brazil Opportunities Conference11.23.2016Notice to Stockholders - Payment of second part of Interest on Equity11.21.2016Capital increase in RME and Lepsa11.21.2016News report published in the media11.18.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 3261/2016-SAE/GAE-2, of November 17, 201611.16.2016Presentation of 3Q 2016 Results - Audio11.14.2016Filing of 2015 20-F Form with the SEC11.12.2016Completion of 20-F Form for 201511.11.2016Extract from the minutes of the 678th meeting of the Board of Directors11.11.2016Summary of decisions of the 678th Meeting of the Board of Directors11.07.2016Timetable for publication of 3Q 2016 Results11.03.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 517/2016-CVM/SEP/GEA-1, of November 1, 201611.01.2016100% split of Parati, with proportional absorption by RME and Lepsa10.31.2016Extract from the minutes of the 677th meeting of the Board of Directors10.31.2016Summary of decisions of the 677th Meeting of the Board of Directors10.28.2016Light: Exclusivity commitment with EDF for sale of interest in Itaocara Hydroelectric Plant10.28.2016Summary of decisions of the 676th Meeting of the Board of Directors10.25.2016Extraordinary General Meeting - 2016/10/25: Convocation and Proposal10.25.2016Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders – October 25, 201610.24.2016TAESA – Restricted Offering Settlement10.21.2016Candidate for election to the Board of Directors at EGM of October 25, 201610.20.2016Summary of decisions of the 675th Meeting of the Board of Directors10.19.2016Ativas capital transaction completed10.19.2016TAESA – Price per Unit10.14.2016Extract from the minutes of the 674th meeting of the Board of Directors10.14.2016Summary of decisions of the 674th Meeting of the Board of Directors10.06.2016Sale of interest in Transchile completed09.30.2016Earnings Release - 3Q/201609.30.2016Presentation of 3Q 2016 Results09.30.2016Presentation of 3Q 2016 Results09.30.2016Presentation of 3Q 2016 Results - Audio09.29.2016Launch of a Restricted Offering09.12.2016Morgan Stanley Annual Conference09.12.2016Sale of interest in Transchile09.12.2016Summary of decisions of the 673rd Meeting of the Board of Directors09.09.2016Cemig in Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 17th year running09.09.2016Summary of decisions of the 672nd Meeting of the Board of Directors09.08.2016Advances to Renova under Power Purchase Agreement09.07.2016HSBC Latin Conference – London09.07.2016Notice of intention to exercise put option08.31.2016Absorption of Redentor by RME08.31.2016Disposal by Cemig of shares in Taesa08.31.2016Extract from the minutes of the 671st meeting of the Board of Directors08.31.2016Summary of decisions of the 671st Meeting of the Board of Directors08.25.2016Cemig Telecom signs investment agreement for subscription of capital in Ativas08.12.2016Cancellation of unsubscribed shares in Parati; absorption of Redentor by RME08.12.2016Summary of decisions of the 670th Meeting of the Board of Directors08.11.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 383/2016-CVM/SEP/GEA-1, of August 11, 201608.09.2016Reply to BM&FBovespa Inquiry Letter 2861/2016-SAE/GAE-2, of August 8, 201608.09.2016Timetable for publication of 2Q 2016 Results08.03.2016Executive Board submits monetization proposal to Board of Directors08.01.2016Contracting of financial advisors for capitalization of Gasmig08.01.2016UBS Latin America Infrastructure Conference07.22.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 2777/2016-SAE/GAE-2, of July 21, 201607.22.2016Summary of decisions of the 669th Meeting of the Board of Directors07.12.2016Fitch reduces its ratings for Cemig to ‘A(bra)’07.12.2016Miranda Plant: Aneel recommends against acceptance of Cemig GT’s application to extend concession07.11.2016Cemig included in world index of the most sustainable EM companies07.06.2016Moody`s downgraded Cemig rating to B1/Baa1.br07.06.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 315/2016-CVM/SEP/GEA-1, of July 5, 201607.01.2016Second Amendment to the Stockholders’ Agreement of Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A.06.30.2016Earnings Release - 2Q/201606.30.2016Presentation of 2Q 2016 Results06.30.2016Presentation of 2Q 2016 Results06.30.2016Presentation of 2Q 2016 Results - Audio06.30.2016Presentation of 2Q 2016 Results - Audio06.29.20169th Citi´s Annual Brazil Equity Conference06.29.2016Extract from the minutes of the 668th meeting of the Board of Directors06.29.2016Summary of decisions of the 668th Meeting of the Board of Directors06.29.2016UBS Latin Equity Ideas Conference06.27.2016Road Show e Conferência Asia JP Morgan06.22.2016HSBC 6th Annual LATAM Conference06.16.2016Notice to Stockholders - Payment of first part of Interest on Equity06.14.2016BofA/ML Cal Gems Laguna Niguel06.14.2016Cancellation of contract between RenovaCom and Cemig GT06.14.2016EGM of June 14, 2016 adjourned to Friday, June 17, 201606.14.2016Extraordinary General Meeting - 2016/06/14: Convocation and Proposal06.14.2016Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders – June 14, 201606.10.2016Summary of decisions of the 666th Meeting of the Board of Directors06.10.2016Summary of decisions of the 667th Meeting of the Board of Directors06.01.2016Commitment Undertaking with Coliseu06.01.2016Stockholders’ agreement of Parati: amendment to Put Option05.31.2016Reference Form 201605.30.2016Extraordinary General Meeting - 2016/05/30: Convocation and Proposal05.30.2016Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders – May 30, 201605.30.2016Summary of decisions of the 665th Meeting of the Board of Directors05.27.2016Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders – May 27, 201605.27.2016Ordinary Extraordinary General Meeting - 2016/05/27: Convocation and Proposal05.27.2016Stockholders’ Agreement of Parati S.A.05.24.201620-F form late filing status05.24.2016Audio - Presentations Panel - XX Annual Meeting Cemig x APIMEC (part 01)05.24.2016Audio - Presentations Panel - XXI Annual Meeting Cemig - APIMEC (part 02)05.24.2016XXI Annual Meeting Cemig-Apimec - Guidance 2016-202005.24.2016XXI Annual Meeting Cemig-Apimec - Supply and demand Cemig GT and the national grid05.19.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 217/2016–CVM/SEP/GEA–1, of May 18, 201605.18.201620-F form not yet filed05.18.2016Cemig GT subscribes shares in Renova capital increase05.18.2016XXI Annual Meeting - CEMIG-APIMEC05.17.2016Presentation of 1Q 2016 Results05.16.2016Santander Latam London Conference05.13.2016Extract from the minutes of the 662nd meeting of the Board of Directors05.13.2016Summary of decisions of the 662nd Meeting of the Board of Directors05.12.2016Morgan Stanley Global Emerging Markets Conference05.12.2016Reply to CVM Inquiry Letter 201/2016-CVM/SEP/GEA-1, of May 11, 201605.10.2016Timetable for publication of 1Q 2016 Results04.29.2016AGM decisions: dividends and Interest on Equity04.29.2016Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders – April 29, 201604.29.2016Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting - 2016/04/29: Convocation and Proposal04.28.2016Summary of decisions of the 661st Meeting of the Board of Directors04.26.2016Summary of decisions of the 660th Meeting of the Board of Directors04.20.2016Minority stockholder nominations for election to the Board of Directors and Audit Board04.14.2016Goldman Sachs Brazil Utilities & Concessions Conference04.13.2016Taesa won Brach P at the Transmission auction04.12.2016HSBC Latin American Investment Summit 201604.12.2016Redemption and cancellation of shares of Redentor Energia S.A.04.12.2016Summary of decisions of the 658th Meeting of the Board of Directors04.05.2016Bradesco’s 3rd Brazil Investment Forum04.04.2016BTG Pactual London 2016 - VI Latin Opportunities Conference04.02.2016Renova Energia S.A.: The ESPRA Agreement rescinded. Intention to exercise the option to sell Terraform Global`s shares held by Renova Energia S.A.03.31.2016Earnings Release - 1Q/201603.31.2016Presentation of 1Q 2016 Results03.31.2016Presentation of 1Q 2016 Results - Audio03.31.2016Presentation of 1Q 2016 Results - Audio03.28.2016Creation of joint Directorate for Compliance and Corporate Risk Management03.28.2016Extract from the minutes of the 656th meeting of the Board of Directors03.22.2016Timetable for publication of 4Q 2015 Results03.16.2016Mr. Carlos Henrique Waack`s resignation as CEO of Renova Energia S.A.03.11.2016Citi 24th Annual Latam Conference03.11.2016Extract from the minutes of the 654th meeting of the Board of Directors03.11.2016Summary of decisions of the 654th Meeting of the Board of Directors03.11.2016Summary of decisions of the 655th Meeting of the Board of Directors03.08.2016Credit Suisse Road Show03.07.2016Citi 3rd Annual Latam Conference03.05.2016Lower than mandatory dividends for 201503.03.2016MATERIAL STOCK TRANSACTION – BNDESPAR03.01.2016Exchange of AGC Energia debentures for shares in Cemig02.29.2016Risk Ratings02.23.2016Bradesco`s Brazil Corporate Access Day02.21.2016RoadShow Bradesco02.19.2016Summary of decisions of the 653rd Meeting of the Board of Directors02.03.2016Reply to BM&FBovespa Official Letter 285/2016–SAE, of February 2, 201602.02.2016Increase in the capital of Renova Energia S.A01.25.2016NDR Goldman Sachs & Cemig01.22.2016Material stockholding – Banco Clássico01.21.2016Registration Form 201601.20.2016Extraordinary General Meeting - 01/20/16: Convocation and Proposal01.20.2016Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders – January 20, 201501.19.2016Redentor Energia S.A.: delisting finalized01.15.2016Cemig GT’s decisions on renegotiation of hydrological risk factors01.14.2016Summary of decisions of the 652nd Meeting of the Board of Directors01.12.201620th Annual Santander Latin American Conference01.07.2016Cemig in Brazil’s ICO2 Carbon Efficient Index for 6th consecutive year01.07.2016Clarification of interview given by Cemig`s CEO: CemigTelecom private sector negotiation01.06.2016Morgan Stanley Latin America Conference01.05.2016Cemig signs concession contracts for 18 generations plants01.04.2016Clarification on media reportLast Updated on March 21, 2025