Download CenterInvestor RelationsInvestor ServicesDownload CenterCemigCemig GTCemig D202520242023202220212020201920182017201612.31.20234Q2023 Results Webcast12.31.20234Q23 Earnings Release12.31.2023Calendário de Eventos Corporativos12.31.2023Calendário de Eventos Corporativos12.31.2023Calendário de Eventos Corporativos12.31.2023Camargos DF 202312.31.2023Cemig FORM 20-F 202312.31.2023Cemig Oeste DF 202312.31.2023Cemig SIM DF 202312.31.2023Cemig Sul DF 202312.31.2023Centroeste DF 202312.31.2023Financial Statements H 202312.31.2023Horizontes DF 202312.31.2023Itutinga DF 202312.31.2023Leste DF 202312.31.2023Parajuru DF 202312.31.2023PCH DF 202312.31.2023Poço Fundo DF 202312.31.2023Results Presentation 4Q2312.31.2023Rosal DF 202312.31.2023Sá Carvalho DF 202312.31.2023Sete Lagoas DF 202312.31.2023Trading DF 202312.31.2023Volta do Rio DF 202312.21.2023Material Fact – Cemig completes partial redemption of external debt securities (bonds)12.12.2023Notice To Shareholders - Payment of the 2nd installment of payout12.11.2023Company by-laws – Cemig GT11.24.2023Material Fact - Cemig GT expresses an interest in extending the concessions of Emborcação and Nova Ponte11.23.2023Material fact - Official Letter Received from the Controlling Shareholder11.22.2023Material fact - Conclusion of the sale of the equity interest held in Retiro Baixo Energética11.22.2023Notice to the Market - Cemig joins the UN Global Compact's 100% Transparency Movement11.22.2023Notice to the Market - Clarifications about Official Letter 350/2023/CVM/SEP/GEA-111.14.2023Bradesco BBI CEO Forum11.09.2023Compensation Policy for Grupo Cemig's Executive Officers11.09.2023Risk Management and Internal Controls Policy11.03.2023Notice to the Market - Request for clarification on an atypical fluctuation10.20.2023Notice to the Market - Clarifications about CVM questioning10.19.2023Fitch Affirms Cemigs Ratings10.19.2023Notice to the Market - Clarification about B3 questioning10.19.2023Notice to the market - Fitch reaffirms CEMIG’s ratings10.17.2023Cemig Sim - 4T2209.30.20233Q23 Earnings Call09.30.2023Earnings Release - 30/09/202309.30.2023Financial Statements 3Q2309.30.2023Results Presentation 3Q2309.20.2023Notice To Shareholders - Dividends/Interest on Equity09.14.2023Reference Form 2023 Version 809.13.2023Notice to the Market - CEMIG GT, HORIZONTES, and MANG execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement of Assets of 15 SHPs / HGPs08.30.2023Notice to the Market - News Article Published in the Media08.22.2023Reference Form 2023 Version 708.22.2023Santander Annual Brazil Conference08.21.2023Notice to the Market – The State Government of Minas Gerais files a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) in the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais (ALMG) to expedite the privatization process of public companies08.16.2023Notice to the market - Change of significant shareholding (BlackRock)08.11.2023Reference Form 2023 Version 608.10.2023Notice to the Market - CEMIG conducts bid to sell 15 SHPPs / HGPs08.07.2023Reference Form 2023 Version 507.31.2023Notice to the Market- Pzena - Significant shareholding07.25.2023Corporate Governance Report 202307.20.2023Material Fact - Expression of Interest in the extension of the concession of the Sá Carvalho HPP07.20.2023Notice to the Market - Acquisition of the remaining 51% of the SPEs holding photovoltaic plants07.20.2023Reference Form 2023 Version 407.14.2023Notice to the Market- Pzena - Significant shareholding07.12.2023Notice to the Market- Pzena - Significant shareholding07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Cemig Baguari07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Cemig PCH07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Cemig SIM07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Cemig Trading07.06.2023Estatuto Social - ESCEE07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Horizontes Energia07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Parajuru07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Poço Fundo07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Rosal Energia07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Sá Carvalho07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Transmissão Centroeste07.06.2023Estatuto Social - UFV Três Marias07.06.2023Estatuto Social - Volta do Rio07.06.2023Reference Form 2023 Version 306.30.2023Earnings Releases06.30.2023Financial Statements 2Q23 Cemig06.30.2023Notice To The Market - 2Q23 -Results Presentation06.30.2023Results Teleconference 2Q2306.28.2023Cemig - Poço Fundo 4T2206.28.2023Cemig - Rosal Energia 4T2206.28.2023Cemig - Transmissão Centroeste 4T2206.28.2023Cemig Geração Leste 4T2206.28.2023Cemig Geração Oeste 4T2206.23.2023Cemig Geração Itutinga 4T2206.23.2023Cemig Geração Salto Grande 4T2206.20.2023Consórcio Cemig CEB 4T2206.20.2023Estatuto Social - Consórcio Cemig CEB06.15.2023Cemig - Cachoeirão 4T2206.15.2023Cemig - Guanhães Energia 4T2206.15.2023Cemig - Itaocara 4T2206.15.2023Cemig - Paracambi 4T2206.15.2023Estatuto Social - Cachoeirão06.15.2023Estatuto Social - Guanhães Energia06.15.2023Estatuto Social - Pipoca06.14.2023Cemig - Aliança Norte 4T2206.14.2023Cemig - ESCEE 4T2206.14.2023Cemig - Horizontes Energia 4T2206.14.2023Cemig - Parajuru 4T2206.14.2023Cemig - Retiro Baixo 4T2206.14.2023Cemig - Sá Carvalho 4T2206.14.2023Cemig - Volta do Rio 4T2206.14.2023Cemig Camargos 4T2206.14.2023Cemig PCH 4T2206.14.2023Cemig Salto Grande 4T2206.14.2023Cemig Sul 4T2206.14.2023Cemig Três Marias 4T2206.14.2023Estatuto Social - Aliança Norte06.14.2023Estatuto Social - Baguari Energia06.14.2023Estatuto Social - Parma Participações06.07.2023Material Fact - Cemig GT executed Agreement regulating the purchase of all shares of Baguari I05.25.2023Notice to the Market - Periodic Tariff Revision (RTP) of Cemig Distribuição (Presentation)05.24.2023Reference Form 202305.24.2023Reference Form 2023 Version 105.22.2023Registration Form 202304.27.2023AESM – Board Of Directors’ Proposal04.27.2023AESM – Call Notice04.27.2023ASM – Remote Voting Form04.27.2023ESM – Remote Voting Form04.27.2023Notice To The Market - Cemig requested a postponement on the deadline to file the 20-F Form04.25.2023AGE - Mapa do Escriturador04.19.2023Material Fact - Cemig GT executed Stock Purchase Agreements that regulate the sale of all equity interests it held in Retiro Baixo and Baguari04.19.2023Notice to the Market - Conclusion of the sale of the equity interest held in Axxiom04.10.2023Notice to the Market- Blackrock - Significant shareholding03.31.20231Q23 Earnings Call03.31.2023Financial Statements 1Q123 Cemig03.29.2023Comunicado ao Mercado – Evento Online (Manhattan)03.29.2023Corporate Presentation – Safra Conference03.29.2023Notice to the Market – Clarifications about CVM Questioning03.27.202328th Cemig Investor Meeting – Afternoon (video)03.27.202328th Cemig Investor Meeting – Morning (video)03.27.202328th CEMIG Investor's Meeting. (Presentation)03.27.2023Aviso aos Acionistas – Comunicado art.133 da Lei nº6.4047603.27.2023Material Fact - Cemig discloses investment projections for the 2023-2027 period03.24.2023Calendário de Eventos Corporativos 202303.24.2023Comunicado ao Mercado – Alteração na data de divulgação das DFs 202203.24.2023Conselho de Administração – Ata03.22.2023 Notice to Shareholders - Interest on Capital03.20.2023Notice To The Market – CEMIG sells all the equity interest it holds in Madeira Energia S.A.03.17.2023 Notice to the Market - CEMIG starts a process to sell 15 SHPs/HGPs03.16.2023Conselho de Administração – Ata02.17.2023Material Facts - Cemig informs ANEEL Its interest in extending the concession of the Sá Carvalho UHE02.14.2023BTG Pactual Conference02.10.2023Material Facts - Award in an Arbitration PUT SAAG02.09.2023Notice to the Market - Cemig was recognized in the Global Sustainability Award by Standard & Poor's01.16.2023Santander’s 27TH Annual Latin American Conference01.12.2023Calendário de Eventos Corporativos01.12.2023Notice to Shareholders - Expected date for the Annual Shareholders' Meeting01.12.2023Notice to the Market - Cemig in São Paulo’s ISE sustainability index for 18th year runningLast Updated on February 28, 2025